The complainant is the mother of a child who was placed in the care of Ogwadeni:deo (the service provider) by a court order. For a period while the child was in its care under the terms of the court order, the service provider received child benefits from the federal government for the child’s care and maintenance. After the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) questioned the mother’s eligibility for a similar benefit over part of this time period, the mother alleged a number of privacy breaches by the service provider. Among other complaints, she alleges the service provider inappropriately shared personal information with its finance department, which applied for the federal benefit, and with the CRA. She also asserts that the service provider shared inaccurate information, by failing to report that the child lived with her for some of the period covered by the court order.
In this decision, the adjudicator finds that the service provider did not contravene the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA) through its use and disclosure of personal information in connection with receiving federal child benefits. She dismisses the complaint.