
Access to Information Orders
File Numbers
Anna Truong
Decision Type
Applicable Legislation
MFIPPA - 14(1)
MFIPPA - 14(1)(d)
MFIPPA - 14(1)(e)
MFIPPA - 14(2)(f)
MFIPPA - 14(3)(e)
MFIPPA - 38(b)
Municipal Elections Act - Section 88(5)
Municipal Elections Act - Section 88(6)
Ontario Regulation 101/97
Municipal Elections Act - Section 17(2)
Municipal Elections Act - Section 43(5)
Municipal Elections Act - Section 55(1)
Municipal Elections Act - Section 88(6.1)
Municipal Elections Act - Section 88(10)
Municipal Elections Act - Section 88(11)

The City of Mississauga (the city) received a request under the Act for access to three spreadsheets of voter information from the October 22, 2018 municipal election. The city issued a decision denying access to the responsive spreadsheets under the mandatory personal privacy exemption in section 14(1) of the Act.
In this order, the adjudicator finds that the Municipal Elections Act expressly authorizes disclosure of the eligible voters spreadsheet and, therefore, the section 14(1)(d) exception to the personal privacy exemption applies. She orders the city to disclose that spreadsheet to the appellant. However, the adjudicator finds that section 14(1) applies to exempt the actual voters spreadsheet and the ballot spreadsheet from disclosure, and she upholds the city’s decision to withhold them.