News Releases

Ontario’s Privacy Commissioner Leads Call for a Privacy-Protective Approach to Smart City Projects

Privacy and information authorities from across Canada are urging the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities to ensure privacy and security are at the forefront of the Government of Canada’s Smart Cities Challenge.

Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner, Brian Beamish, released the following statement on the need for a privacy-protective approach to smart city project development:

“Smart city projects have the potential to unlock benefits for communities and improve public services using data and connected technologies, but these advancements should not come at the expense of privacy. Under Ontario’s access and privacy laws, individuals have a right to know how their information is being collected, used, and disclosed. To protect these rights, privacy cannot be an afterthought. From proposal to launch, measures to protect the privacy and security of citizens must be front and centre in smart city projects. My office looks forward to working with Infrastructure Canada to ensure privacy protection is an integral part of the Smart Cities Challenge.”


Additional Resources

Smart Cities and Your Privacy Rights

Big Data and Your Privacy Rights

Big Data Guidelines


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