2016 Ontario Connections Conference - Access, Privacy, Security & Records Management

5 juin 2016, 20h00 - 20h00
Toronto, Ontario

The Community-Based Advisory Board is pleased to present the 2016 Ontario Connections Conference - Access, Privacy, Security, Records Management at The Old Mill Inn. It is a regionally based conference intended to assist public bodies in developing connections between these disciplines and address the associated challenges.

Access, Privacy, Security and Information/Records Management challenges are intertwined with almost everything public bodies do. Through a series of plenary, breakout and workshop sessions, delegates will gain a clearer understanding of access to information, protection of privacy, information security, and records management issues that arise in organizations subject to FIPPA and MFIPPA. More importantly it focuses on the connections between these disciplines.

Presentations from the IPC include:

  • Commissioner Beamish will be presenting on the latest updates, decisions and best practices from our office.
  • Assistant Commissioner David Goodis will be providing a Privacy Law Update with Fida Hindi, Barrister and Solicitor, Fasken Martineau LLP.
  • Assistant Commissioner Sherry Liang will be discussing Recent Significant Orders of the IPC with Don Fawcett, Senior Counsel, Access and Privacy Law Group, Ministry of Government and Consumer Services.
  • Director of Policy Renee Barrette will be joined by Sam Laban, Guelph Lab Facilitator, University of Guelph to discuss Openness in Public Sector Procurement.
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