
Instant Messaging and Personal Email Accounts: Meeting Your Access and Privacy Obligations

This document was developed to help Ontario’s public institutions manage the use of instant messaging and personal email accounts when doing business. All public servants should be aware records relating to an institution’s business that are created, sent or received through instant messaging or personal email accounts are subject to Ontario’s access and privacy laws. The IPC recommends that all institutional leaders strictly control the use of these tools when doing business. If it is necessary to use these tools, institutions should implement appropriate policy and technical measures to ensure that records are saved.

All institutions subject to Ontario’s access and privacy laws need to ensure that they are in compliance with those laws. Access to information requests cannot be evaded by using instant messaging or personal email accounts.

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  • Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse directe. Pour toute autre question, veuillez nous contacter à l'adresse suivante : @email
  • N'indiquez aucune information personnelle, telle que votre nom, votre numéro d'assurance sociale (NAS), votre adresse personnelle ou professionnelle, tout numéro de dossier ou d'affaire ou toute information personnelle relative à votre santé.
  • Pour plus d'informations sur cet outil, veuillez consulter notre politique de confidentialité.