The Toronto Catholic District School Board (the Board) received a request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act) for access to a copy of the lease agreement between the Board, as lessee, and the Toronto District School Board (the public Board), as lessor, for the use of a school building.
The Board located the lease agreement that constitutes the responsive record and notified the public Board under section 21 of the Act on the basis that its interests may be affected by the disclosure of the record. The public Board objected to the disclosure of the lease.
The Board issued a decision denying access to the record on the basis that it is exempt from disclosure under the discretionary exemptions in sections 6(1)(b)(closed meeting) and 11(c) and (d) (economic and other interests) and the mandatory exemption in section 10(1)(a) (third party information) of the Act.