Judicial Review



The City of Toronto (the City) received an access request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act). The requester (now the appellant) asked for information concerning his neighbour’s dog. Specifically, the appellant requested: A complete copy of [identified person and address] dog records for attackings, chargings and barkings to strangers [pursuant to complaints]. In his request the appellant cited two known complaints about the dog, one that he filed on June 24, 1997 and an earlier one by a letter carrier. He stated that the dog in question had been put to death by its owner. The City issued a decision letter in which it confirmed that the appellant had clarified his request to include all records on file pertaining to the dog as well as information regarding the date of death of the animal. The City denied access to records stating that no responsive records exist. The City indicated that a thorough search had been conducted, including a search of archival records, by the Toronto Public Health Animal Control Service. The appellant appealed the City’s decision. In his letter of appeal, the appellant stated that the dog had been deliberately euthanized on November 26, 2002 to destroy the evidence of its attacking records.
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