Judicial Review



The Windsor Police Service (the institution) received the following request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act):

The information [requested] would:

- include all reports, complaints, records of telephone conversations, police visits; that is everything that refers to [the requester] directly or indirectly.

- cover the period from approximately Feb. 6/87 until the present, July 29, 1991.

- concern my handicapped uncle's [a named individual] residency in, eviction from, and my affiliation with the Windsor Association for the Mentally Retarded (W.A.M.R.), now named Windsor Community Living Support Services (W.C.L.S.S.). Since I am Committee of my uncle ..., I would like anything that bears his name.

The institution advised the requester that disclosure of the records "may affect the interests of a third party." In accordance with section 21(1)(b) of the Act, the institution notified two individuals of the request, and solicited their views as to whether the records should be disclosed.

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