
Affichage de 15 sur 644 résultats

Order Numbers Type Collection Adjudicators Date Published
PO-3356-R Reconsideration Order Privacy Reports Ann Cavoukian En savoir plusExpand

A Reconsideration of Order PO-3171 that relates to the personal information collection practices of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) relating to purchases made by clubs on behalf of their members pursuant to the LCBO’s Business Process and Program Guidelines – Spirit, Beer or Wine Clubs (Club Guidelines).
Section 2(1) definition of personal information – LCBO’s practice is to collect the personal information of club members.

Section 38(2) - LCBO’s personal information collection practices relating to sales made through clubs on behalf of their members is contrary to section 38(2) of the Act, except in limited circumstances.

Section 59(b) The LCBO is ordered to cease its collection practice and to destroy its collections of personal information relating to sales made through clubs on behalf of their members .

MC11-84 Privacy Complaint Report Privacy Reports En savoir plusExpand

The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario (the IPC) received a complaint alleging that the City of Kingston (the city) inappropriately disclosed personal information to a named individual and the Social Benefits Tribunal (SBT). In response, the IPC opened a privacy complaint file to determine if the disclosure of the complainant’s personal information was in compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act). This Privacy Complaint Report finds the disclosure of the complainant’s personal information to the named individual and the SBT was in accordance with the Act.

MC13-49 Privacy Complaint Report Privacy Reports Lucy Costa En savoir plusExpand

The complainant complained that the Guelph Police Service inappropriately used and disclosed the complainant’s personal information while conducting a Police Vulnerable Sector Check. In response the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario opened a privacy complaint file to determine if the use and disclosure of the complainant’s personal information was in compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
This Privacy Complaint Report finds that the police’s use of the complainant’s personal information for the purposes of a PVSC was contrary to the Youth Criminal Justice Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

PO-3171 Order Privacy Reports Ann Cavoukian En savoir plusExpand

This Order was issued in response to a privacy complaint filed against the LCBO, by the manager of a wine club, who was also a member of the wine club. The complainant objected to the collection of personal information about wine club members when the wine club places orders through the LCBO’s Private Ordering Department. The complainant submitted that the LCBO’s practice of collecting this information is in violation of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act).

In this Order, the Investigator finds that the information being collected by the LCBO qualifies as “personal information” under section 2(1) of the Act and that the collection of the personal information by the LCBO contravenes section 38(2) of the Act except in limited circumstances. The LCBO is ordered to cease its collection practice and to destroy any personal information previously collected relating to purchases by members of wine clubs.

MC11-26 Privacy Complaint Report Privacy Reports Jeffrey Cutler En savoir plusExpand

The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario received a complaint alleging that the Local Services Board of Britt-Byng Inlet (the board) had improperly collected and disclosed the complainant’s personal information during a public meeting of the board. In response, the IPC opened a privacy complaint file to determine if the collection and disclosure of the complainant’s personal information was in compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act).

The Privacy Complaint Report upholds the board’s decision to collect the complainant’s personal information, but concludes that the board was not in compliance with section 32 of the Act when it disclosed the complainant’s personal information at a public meeting of the board.

PR11-33 Privacy Complaint Report Privacy Reports Jeffrey Cutler En savoir plusExpand

The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario (IPC) received a notice from the Ministry of Labour (the ministry) advising that it had disclosed personal information in response to an Ontario Labour Relations Board order. Two individuals filed complaints in response to the ministry’s disclosure of their personal information. In response, the IPC opened a privacy complaint file to assess if the collection, disclosure and transfer of personal information were in compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act).

The Privacy Complaint Report upholds the ministry’s decision to disclose the records of personal information, but concludes that the ministry did not implement adequate measures to prevent unauthorized access to the records at issue as required under section 4 of Regulation 460, made pursuant to the Act.

NJ12-7 Reviews/Registrations / Authorizations Privacy Reports En savoir plusExpand

Investigation into the loss of two USB keys containing unencrypted personal information that were used by the Strike-off Project of Elections Ontario (EO). 


EO failed to put in place reasonable measures to protect the physical security, and the privacy and security of the personal information in its custody and control and, in particular, failed to ensure that the personal information stored on mobile electronic devices was encrypted.

EO failed to take steps to ensure that existing policies were reflected in actual practice; failed to ensure that senior staff were accountable and responsible for privacy and security; failed to adequately train its staff; and, failed to respond adequately to the privacy breach by continuing to store unencrypted data on USB keys after having learned of the privacy breach.


Retain the services of an independent third party to conduct a thorough and comprehensive audit of all of the personal information management practices at EO;

Develop an overarching privacy policy;

Establish Technology Services as the centre of responsibility and accountability at EO for implementation of strong measures to protect the privacy and security of personal information on all electronic devices and for ensuring that staff are fully trained and supported regarding the use of these devices;

Appoint a Chief Privacy Officer;

Develop a comprehensive, mandatory privacy training program for all staff;

Develop an ongoing communications plan to ensure that all staff are made aware of and are reminded of EO’s privacy and security policies.

In addition, the Report recommends that the government of Ontario ask the Auditor General of Ontario to conduct privacy audits of the information management practices of selected public sector agencies in the province; and conduct a review and modernization of the Election Act to ensure that the privacy and security of the personal information in the custody of EO is strongly protected and used prudently, as prescribed.

• News Release: Commissioner Cavoukian’s investigation finds systemic failures at Elections Ontario – paving the way to the largest privacy breach in Ontario history

PC11-34 Privacy Complaint Report Privacy Reports Jeffrey Cutler En savoir plusExpand

The complainant complained that staff at the Ontario Provincial Police, Lancaster Branch had inappropriately disclosed to her landlord an occurrence report which included her personal information. The ministry responsible for the Ontario Provincial Police admitted that a privacy breach had occurred. The issue here is whether the ministry responded appropriately to this breach, and this Report finds that it did not.

MC10-46 Privacy Complaint Report Privacy Reports Jeffrey Cutler En savoir plusExpand

The Municipality forwarded an access request to Chatham-Kent Energy and Chatham-Kent Energy forwarded a copy of its response to the access request to the Municipality.

Section 2(1)(personal information) - information about the Complainant's utilities account qualifies as personal information.

Section 18(2)(access) - request was appropriately transferred by the Municipality to Chatham-Kent Energy in accordance with the Act.

Section 28(2)(collection) - the response to the access request was not collected by the Municipality within the meaning of the Act.


The Municipality should fully delete all electronic copies of Chatham-Kent Energy's response to the access request and securely shred any paper copies in its possession.

MC10-55 Privacy Complaint Report Privacy Reports Jeffrey Cutler En savoir plusExpand

Chatham-Kent Energy forwarded a copy of its response to an access request to its Chief Executive Officer and to the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.

Section 2(1)(personal information) - information about the Complainant's utilities account qualifies as personal information.

Section 32 (Disclosure) - Chatham-Kent Energy improperly disclosed the Complainant’s personal information to its Chief Executive Officer and to the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.


1. Chatham-Kent Energy should develop guidelines for the processing of FOI requests that are in accordance with the Act.

2. Chatham-Kent Energy should ask the Municipality of Chatham-Kent to fully delete all electronic copies of the November 6, 2007 email and to securely shred any paper copies in its possession.

MC10-75 AND MC11-18 Privacy Complaint Report Privacy Reports En savoir plusExpand

Use of complainant’s e-mail address by former City Councillor and TTC Chair to send e-mail advising that he would no longer be serving in those capacities.


• Section 2(1) (personal information) – the complainant’s e-mail address qualifies as personal information.

• Custody or control (City of Toronto) – the e-mail record was in the City’s custody or control.

• Custody or control (TTC) – The e-mail record was in the TTC’s custody or control.

• Section 31 (use) – the City’s use of the record was not in accordance with the Act.

• Section 31 (use) the TTC’s use of the record was not in accordance with the Act.


1. The City should amend the Code of Conduct for Members of Local boards to clarify that correspondence should only be used in accordance with the Act. 

2. The City should strongly encourage all current members of Council to attend a training session on access and privacy.

3. The TTC should circulate a memorandum to all of its current board members addressing the importance of protecting the privacy of the personal information contained in correspondence received from members of the public.

PC10-39 Privacy Complaint Report Privacy Reports En savoir plusExpand

• Collection of the date of birth of complainants by the Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD).

• Section 2(1) (personal information) - the date of birth of OIPRD complainants qualifies as personal information.

• Section 38(2) (collection) - the collection of the personal information was in accordance with the Act.

MC08-91 Privacy Complaint Report Privacy Reports Mark Ratner En savoir plusExpand

• Practices respecting the complainants’ personal information.

• Section 2(1) (personal information) – the information contained in the complainants’ correspondence qualifies as personal information.

• Section 2(1) (personal information) – the information described in the memorandum in question does not qualify as personal information.

• Section 28(2) (collection) - the personal information in question was not “collected” under the Act.

• Section 29(2) (notice) -notice of collection was not required.

• Section 31 (use) - the personal information was used in accordance with the Act.

• Section 32 (disclosure) - the personal information was disclosed in accordance with the Act.

MI10-5 Privacy Complaint Report Privacy Reports Mark Ratner En savoir plusExpand

Implementation of a student survey.

• Section 2(1) (personal information) – the information collected through the survey qualifies as personal information.

• Section 28(2) (collection) – the collection of the personal information is in accordance with section 28(2) of the Act.

• Section 29(2) (notice) – the Notice of Collection satisfies the requirements under section 29(2) of the Act.

• Section 31 (use) – the Board’s contemplated uses of personal information are in accordance with section 31 of the Act.

• Section 32 (disclosure) – the Board’s contemplated disclosure of the personal information is in accordance with section 32 of the Act.

• Section 3(1) of Regulation 823 (security) – the Board has reasonable measures in place to prevent unauthorized access to records.


• None

MC10-1 Privacy Complaint Report Privacy Reports Mark Ratner En savoir plusExpand

• Disclosure of confidential report containing complainant’s personal information

• Section 2(1) (personal information) - the report contained personal information.

• Section 32 (disclosure) - the personal information was not disclosed in accordance with the Act.

• Section 3(1) Regulation 823 (security) - the City had reasonable measures in place to prevent unauthorized access to the records.


• None

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