Access to Information Orders
File Numbers
Marian Sami
Decision Type
Applicable Legislation
FIPPA - 57(1)
FIPPA - 57(4)
FIPPA - Regulation 460 s. 6
FIPPA - Regulation 460 s. 8
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (the ministry) received a request under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act) for records related to the decision of the Government of Ontario to make changes to the Ontario Greenbelt. The ministry issued the requester a fee estimate of $232.50. The requester asked for a fee waiver on the basis that dissemination of the records would benefit public health and safety, under section 57(4)(c) of the Act. The ministry denied the fee waiver request. In this order, the adjudicator upholds the ministry’s decision to do so, and dismisses the appeal.