
Access to Information Orders
File Numbers
Stephanie Haly
Decision Type
Applicable Legislation
FIPPA - 2(1)
FIPPA - 13(1)
FIPPA - 19
FIPPA - 21(1)
FIPPA - 49(a)
FIPPA - 49(b)

The appellant submitted a request to the Toronto Metropolitan University (the university) under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act) for records relating to an incident at the Student Resource Centre on a specified date. The university located responsive records and disclosed some of the records and information to him, but portions of some records were withheld under the discretionary exemption in section 49(a) (discretion to refuse requester’s own information), read with sections 13(1) (advice and recommendations) and 19 (solicitor-client privilege), and section 49(b) (personal privacy).

The appellant appealed the university’s decision and also submitted that the university had not conducted a reasonable search. In this order, the adjudicator finds that the withheld portions of the records are exempt from disclosure under section 49(a), read with sections 13(1) and 19(a), and section 49(b). She also finds that the university conducted a reasonable search. She upholds the university’s access decision and dismisses the appeal.