The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario opened a Commissioner Initiated Privacy Complaint under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act), against the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services (the ministry). The complaint relates to concerns regarding the collection and destruction of personal information contained in a recording which was made by a police officer with his personal cell phone during a traffic stop. In this Privacy Complaint Report I conclude that I am unable to make a finding as to whether the record at issue contained personal information as defined in section 2(1) of the Act, however, I conclude that if the recording had contained the personal information of the requester, it would have been an authorized collection under section 38(2).
This Report also considers whether the ministry has measures in place to ensure the preservation of records in its custody or control and recommends that the Ontario Provincial Police amend its Personal Electronic Device Policy.
Privacy Reports
File Numbers
Lucy Costa
Decision Type
Privacy Complaint Report
Applicable Legislation