Judicial Review



  • Documentation relating to Deep Lake Water Cooling Project.
  • Raising of discretionary exemptions by affected party not allowed.
  • Late raising of discretionary exemptions by the City allowed.
  • Enwave determined to be separate party from the City.
  • Modification of scope of request allowed.
  • Reasonable search – City’s search for records partly upheld as reasonable. City ordered to conduct further search.
  • Section 10(1)(a) and (c) (third party information) partly upheld.
  • Section 11(c) (economic & other interests) not upheld.
  • Section 11(d) (economic & other interests) partly upheld.
  • Section 11(a) (valuable government information) not upheld.
  • Section 11(g) (proposed plans, projects or policies) not upheld.
  • Section 16 (public interest in disclosure) not upheld for exempt information.
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