Judicial Review



The Toronto Police Services Board (the Police) received two requests under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act) from the same requester, who is a member of the media. These two appeals arise from the two requests, which are set out below. The two requests are for information from Police databases, and were made following an earlier request, which resulted in the requester receiving certain information from the Police. In the earlier request, which was resolved through mediation, the requester had asked for and received access to an electronic copy of certain data contained in the Police’s Criminal Information Processing System. The requester had received data concerning events captured in the system, but had indicated that he did not seek access to any personal information, or any information that could potentially be used to identify individuals involved in those events. As I understand the previous request, the requester received the electronic data, with all personal information which could potentially identify the individuals involved in the events severed from the record.
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