- Part X of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act: A Guide to Access and Privacy for Service Providers
- Download the Part X guide and other resources
- Terms used in this guide
- Introduction
- Does Part X of the CYFSA apply to you?
- Collection, use, and disclosure of personal information
- Consent and capacity
- Safeguarding and managing personal information
- Access to records of personal information
- Correction of records
- Offences and immunity
- Definitions
- FAQs
- Back to Guidance for organizations
Part X of the CYFSA: Substitute Decision-Makers for Capable Individuals Over 16
Any capable individual, age 16 or older, may choose to authorize another capable individual, age 16 or older, to be their substitute decision-maker for the purposes of Part X.80 For example, a 17-year-old working with an advocate could make this advocate her substitute decision-maker, by presenting a written, signed statement to the service provider. The advocate could then consent on her behalf for a collection, use or disclosure of her personal information.