- Part X of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act: A Guide to Access and Privacy for Service Providers
- Download the Part X guide and other resources
- Terms used in this guide
- Introduction
- Does Part X of the CYFSA apply to you?
- Collection, use, and disclosure of personal information
- Consent and capacity
- Safeguarding and managing personal information
- Access to records of personal information
- Correction of records
- Offences and immunity
- Definitions
- FAQs
- Back to Guidance for organizations
Part X of the CYFSA: Substitute Decision-Makers for Incapable Individuals
If an individual of any age is not capable of consenting, the CYFSA sets out who can be their substitute decision-maker for Part X.72 These persons, ranked in order, are the incapable individual’s:
- substitute decision-maker under the Health Care Consent Act, for specified purposes73
- guardian of the person or property
- attorney for personal care or property
- representative appointed by the Consent and Capacity Board74
- spouse or partner
- parent (not including access parent), or a children’s aid society or other person who is lawfully entitled to consent in the place of the parent75
- access parent (i.e., a non-custodial parent with only a right of access to the child)
- sibling
- other relative
A person lower on the list (for example, an access parent) may be the individual’s substitute decision-maker only if no one higher on the list (for example, a custodial parent) exists and meets the criteria for consenting on behalf of the individual.76 Substitute decision-makers must be 16 years of age or older, available, willing, and capable.77