Tag: Best Practices and Professional Guidelines

Showing 191 - 200 of 231 results

MFIPPA Workbook and Completion Guide

This workbook and guide is designed to provide step-by-step instructions for the completion of the Information and Privacy Commissioner’s (IPC) Year-End Statistical Report as required by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ( MFIPPA ).


- Published on Nov 24, 2015

FIPPA Workbook and Completion Guide

This workbook and guide is designed to provide step-by-step instructions for the completion of the Information and Privacy Commissioner’s (IPC) Year-End Statistical Report as required by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ( FIPPA ).


- Published on Nov 24, 2015

Guidelines for the Use of Video Surveillance

Many institutions turn to video surveillance to help them fulfil their obligations to protect the safety of individuals and the security of their equipment and property. Video footage captured by cameras is regularly used to assist in the investigation of wrongdoing. However, the use of these


- Published on Oct 6, 2015

Open Contracting: Proactive Disclosure of Procurement Records

Proactive disclosure of procurement records strengthens clarity and accountability around government spending. It can also provide tangible benefits to institutions by reducing the number of procurement-related freedom of information requests, appeals and associated costs. This resource details the


- Published on Sep 21, 2015

Circle of Care: Sharing Personal Health Information for Health-Care Purposes

This document was thoroughly reviewed and updated in August, 2015, introducing clear and easy to understand gender-neutral language. Updated: August 2015


- Published on Aug 16, 2015

Planning for Success PIA Worksheets


- Published on May 19, 2015

Best Practices for Protecting Individual Privacy in Conducting Survey Research

As governments and public sector organizations strive to become more efficient, accountable and customer focused, they frequently seek input from the public about their programs and services. One of the most cost-effective ways to accomplish this is through surveys. While surveys can be an important


- Published on Apr 7, 2015

Dispelling the Myths Under the Personal Health Information Protection Act

There are many myths surrounding how information may be collected, used and disclosed under the Personal Health Information Protection Act . Working with our partners in the health care community, we have created this one-page document to dispel some of the more common myths.


- Published on Sep 28, 2012

Privacy Guidelines for Municipalities Regulating Businesses Dealing in Second-hand Goods

Commissioner Ann Cavoukian prepared these Guidelines to provide Ontario municipalities with a framework to meet the privacy requirements under MFIPPA .


- Published on Sep 14, 2007

Safeguarding Privacy on Mobile Devices

A brochure outlining suggested best practices for securing mobile devices (PDAs, laptops, etc.) and protecting the information carried out of the workplace on them. Steps are organized into sections: Before you Walk out of the Workplace, While you are Out and When You have Completed Your Work


- Published on Jun 14, 2007