Tag: Best Practices and Professional Guidelines

Showing 161 - 170 of 224 results

You are Affected by a Freedom of Information Request: What You Should Know

This fact sheet seeks to answer some of the common questions you may have about the freedom of information process. This document is part of a series designed to keep the public and professionals up to date with the IPC’s interpretations of access and privacy laws.


- Published on Sep 26, 2016

Fact Sheet: Communicating Personal Health Information by Email

This fact sheet describes the risks of using email and custodians’ obligations under the Personal Health Information Protection Act . It outlines some of the technical, physical and administrative safeguards needed to protect personal health information when communicating by email and the policies


- Published on Sep 15, 2016

Open Government: Key Implementation Considerations

This guidance document provides institutions with an overview of important factors to consider when implementing Open Government including the need for institutional leadership, commitment, governance and resources to support culture change and sustain the program over time, learning from others


- Published on Sep 6, 2016

Open Government: Key Concepts and Benefits

This guidance paper is intended as a starting point for institutions considering Open Government and highlights two critical goals: enhancing access to government-held information and public participation. It includes a discussion about making government-held information open by default and at


- Published on Sep 5, 2016

Frequently Asked Questions: Statistical Report of FIPPA/MFIPPA Institutions

Frequently Asked Questions: Statistical Report of FIPPA/MFIPPA Institutions.


- Published on Aug 11, 2016

De-identification Guidelines for Structured Data

This document highlights the key issues to consider when de-identifying personal information in the form of structured data and it provides a step-by-step process that institutions can follow when removing personal information from data sets.


- Published on Jun 8, 2016

Instant Messaging and Personal Email Accounts: Meeting Your Access and Privacy Obligations

This document was developed to help Ontario’s public institutions manage the use of instant messaging and personal email accounts when doing business. All public servants should be aware records relating to an institution’s business that are created, sent or received through instant messaging or


- Published on Jun 7, 2016

The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and Councillors’ records

Our office is sometimes required to decide access to information appeals relating to requests for records held by municipal councillors. Unfortunately, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ( MFIPPA ) does not expressly refer to records of municipal councillors. This


- Published on Apr 22, 2016

Thinking About Clouds? Privacy, security and compliance considerations for Ontario public sector institutions

The IPC has prepared this new guidance document, Thinking About Clouds? Privacy, security and compliance considerations for Ontario public sector institutions, to help institutions evaluate whether cloud computing services are suitable for their information management needs. In particular, it seeks


- Published on Feb 20, 2016

Yes, You Can. Dispelling the Myths About Sharing Information with Children’s Aid Societies

Common misunderstandings about privacy are frequently cited as reasons for not sharing information with a children’s aid society (CAS) about a child who may be at risk. In fact, Ontario law permits professionals working with children to share this information. To help professionals understand that


- Published on Jan 20, 2016