Tag: Judicial Review

Showing 151 - 160 of 173 results


TORONTO CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD The Toronto Catholic District School Board (the Board) received a request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act ) for access to a copy of the lease agreement between the Board, as lessee, and the Toronto District


- Published on Aug 8, 2016


TOWN OF INNISFIL The Town of Innisfil (the Town) received a request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act ) from a land development corporation for access to a copy of a letter written by a named individual (the affected person). The letter addressed a


- Published on Aug 8, 2016




- Published on Aug 8, 2016


TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD The appellant in this matter has made a large number of requests under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act) and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the provincial Act with both the Toronto Police Services


- Published on Aug 8, 2016


TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD The Toronto Police Services Board (the Police) received two requests under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act) from the same requester, who is a member of the media. These two appeals arise from the two requests, which are set


- Published on Aug 8, 2016


WATERLOO REGIONAL POLICE SERVICE Police “call for service” database . Section 2(1) definition of “personal information” – municipal address details are personal information. Section 14(1) (personal privacy) – partly upheld. Section 8(1)(a), (b), (c), (e) (law enforcement) -- not upheld. Section 8(1)


- Published on Aug 8, 2016


CITY OF TORONTO Documentation relating to Deep Lake Water Cooling Project. Raising of discretionary exemptions by affected party not allowed. Late raising of discretionary exemptions by the City allowed. Enwave determined to be separate party from the City. Modification of scope of request allowed


- Published on Aug 8, 2016


CITY OF WATERLOO Bills for legal services related to the RIM Park and a number of named individuals Section 52(3)1 - labour relations and employment records - not upheld Section 7(1) - advice or recommendations - not upheld Sections 11(c) and (d) - economic and other interests - not upheld Section


- Published on Aug 8, 2016


Direkoglu v. Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario et al., Toronto Doc. 51/09 (Div. Ct.); motion for leave to appeal dismissed February 15, 2013 (Ont. C.A. No. M41847); application for leave to appeal dismissed September 5, 2013 (S.C.C. No. 35376).


- Published on Aug 8, 2016


CITY OF OTTAWA Emails sent to the volunteer president of the Children's Aid Society at his City of Ottawa email address. Section 4(1) (custody or control) - the records are under the City's custody or control City ordered to issue an access decision.


- Published on Aug 8, 2016