Tag: Best Practices

Showing 41 - 50 of 93 results

Teachers Must Consider Privacy Before Using Online Services

Educators are using online educational services for student learning, communication and evaluation. While these services may be innovative, accessible and available at little or no cost, their use could put the privacy of students and their families at risk. Sometimes teachers use online services


- Published on Nov 28, 2016

Considering Video Surveillance?

There are a number of important factors Ontario institutions should consider before implementing a video surveillance system. Most importantly, video surveillance must be used in a way that protects individual privacy to be compliant with the law. These requirements are outlined in our new fact


- Published on Nov 9, 2016

Fact Sheet: Video Surveillance

This fact sheet highlights the important factors an institution must consider before implementing a video surveillance system.


- Published on Nov 9, 2016

Improving Access and Privacy with RIM

Developing effective records and information management (RIM) practices helps Ontario institutions meet their legal requirements and better serve the public. Poor RIM practices can negatively affect an institution’s ability to: respond to access requests in a timely way be transparent and


- Published on Nov 3, 2016

Improving Access and Privacy with Records and Information Management

This guidance is designed to help institutions implement better record and information management practices and enhance the public’s ability to access information.


- Published on Nov 3, 2016

What You Need Know If You Are Affected by a Freedom of Information Request

Under the access and privacy legislation, everyone has a right to request access to records held by Ontario’s public institutions. All institutions are required by law to protect your personal information, and to follow strict rules when handling it. Your personal privacy is a key consideration when


- Published on Sep 26, 2016

You are Affected by a Freedom of Information Request: What You Should Know

This fact sheet seeks to answer some of the common questions you may have about the freedom of information process. This document is part of a series designed to keep the public and professionals up to date with the IPC’s interpretations of access and privacy laws.


- Published on Sep 26, 2016

Best Practices for Automated Licence Plate Recognition Technologies

Automated licence plate recognition (ALPR) technologies can quickly capture and match large volumes of licence plate numbers to lists of plates stored in a database. Police services in Ontario use ALPR systems to match licence plates with lists of plates, such as stolen and expired plates and plates


- Published on Sep 21, 2016

Understanding the Risks of Emailing Health Information

Individuals and organizations rely on email for its convenience, speed and economy. Health information custodians are no exception. While email offers many benefits, it also poses risks to the privacy of individuals and to the security of personal health information. This sensitive information must


- Published on Sep 15, 2016

Fact Sheet: Communicating Personal Health Information by Email

This fact sheet describes the risks of using email and custodians’ obligations under the Personal Health Information Protection Act . It outlines some of the technical, physical and administrative safeguards needed to protect personal health information when communicating by email and the policies


- Published on Sep 15, 2016