Tag: Trust in Digital Health

Showing 31 - 40 of 47 results

Minimizing the Risk of Abandoned Health Records Through Succession Planning

Planning is an essential part of preparing for the inevitable changes in life. If you are a health care practitioner, a good succession plan can ensure that you protect the people you serve from an interruption to their health care or a breach of their privacy if you change your practice. Every year


- Published on Apr 15, 2019

Responding to a Health Privacy Breach: Guidelines for the Health Sector

This publication replaces the guidance document, What to do When Faced With a Privacy Breach: Guidelines for the Health Sector . This new, updated guide highlights the importance of having a detailed privacy breach protocol and explains the steps to take in responding to a breach under Ontario’s


- Published on Oct 4, 2018

Privacy is not a Barrier to Releasing Non-Identifying Statistics

A particularly rough influenza season this year has contributed to a healthy interest in statistical information related to flu outbreaks. The public wants to know how serious the flu-threat is in their community, a risk often measured by the number of local flu-related deaths. Recently, our office


- Published on Feb 27, 2018

Can health cards serve as proof of your identity?

Just about everyone is asked at one time or another to provide photo identification. Being asked for your health card for identification purposes has raised a few questions about when it is acceptable to ask for or show a health card for this purpose. This is especially true for individuals whose


- Published on Sep 18, 2017

Understanding the Risks of Emailing Health Information

Individuals and organizations rely on email for its convenience, speed and economy. Health information custodians are no exception. While email offers many benefits, it also poses risks to the privacy of individuals and to the security of personal health information. This sensitive information must


- Published on Sep 15, 2016