Tag: Privacy and Transparency in a Modern Government

Showing 21 - 30 of 52 results

It’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Read Twice, Click Once

News of cyberattacks continues to dominate headlines across the country. From individual instances of identity theft to large-scale ransomware attacks involving millions of people, these malicious assaults on our personal data systems show no sign of abating. As their tactics become more


- Published on Oct 15, 2020

Right to Know Week: Putting access rights in the spotlight

This is my first Right to Know Week as Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner. I am excited to join my fellow commissioners from across the country in raising awareness about access rights and freedom of information from September 28 to October 4. Freedom of information is essential to


- Published on Oct 15, 2020

A whole new kind of “homework”: Ensuring access and privacy rights from the hearth

The new work-from-home reality hit many of us like a ton of bricks - bricks and mortar, that is. From a usual Friday afternoon at our office desks, surrounded by familiar people and things... to a Monday morning email instructing us to stay home for the sake of our own health and safety. With no


- Published on Jul 23, 2020

Open Letter from Commissioner re: Sidewalk Labs' Proposal

Open Letter from Commissioner Brian Beamish re: Sidewalk Labs' Proposal


- Published on Sep 26, 2019

Managing privacy breaches in the public sector

News stories and alerts about data breaches are popping up on our news feeds and social media channels with increased regularity. To help Ontario’s public sector organizations manage and prevent privacy breaches, the IPC has updated its guidance . A privacy breach occurs when personal information is


- Published on Sep 17, 2019

Why I ordered the Government of Ontario to share its mandate letters

Ontario’s freedom of information law is based on the principle that every individual has a right to access government information. This right exists to ensure the public has the information it needs to participate meaningfully in the democratic process, and that politicians and bureaucrats remain


- Published on Aug 21, 2019