Tag: Manuela Di Re

Director of Legal Services

Showing 11 - 16 of 16 results

ROTO Kingston - Protecting Health Information in Electronic Environments

A presentation by Director of Legal Services, Manuela Di Re, and Director of Health Policy, Debra Grant, on protecting health information in an electronic environment at our Reaching Out to Ontario event in Kingston .


- Published on May 4, 2016

PHIPA Summit - Protecting Privacy When Using New… And Not So New Technologies

2015 PHIPA Summit.


- Published on Dec 4, 2015

Sault Area Hospital - Protecting Health Information in an Electronic Environment

A presentation by Director of Legal Services and General Counsel Manuela Di Re and Director of Health Policy Debra Grant on protecting health privacy, delivered at the IPC's Right to Know Week event at Sault Area Hospital.


- Published on Sep 25, 2015

IAPP - Snooping Into Medical Records

A presentation by the IPC's Director of Legal Services, Manuela Di Re, at the 2015 IAPP Privacy Symposium on the topic of snooping and unauthorized access to personal health information.


- Published on May 28, 2015

ROTO Niagara Panel B: Protecting Health Information in an Electronic Environment

A presentation by Panel B at the Reachhing Out to Ontario event at Brock University where the panel discussed the many challenges of protecting personal health information in electronic environments.


- Published on May 6, 2015

PHIPA Summit - Privacy Framework for Shared Electronic Systems

A presentation by Manuela Di Re and Debra Grant on establishing a privacy framework for shared electronic systems using personal health information.


- Published on Dec 9, 2014