Form to file a privacy complaint under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA) … Form to file a privacy complaint under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act …
How much will it cost to get or correct my personal information? … It is free to see or ask for a copy of your personal information. It is also free to request a correction of your personal information. … How much will it cost to get or correct my personal …
How long will it take to get or correct my personal information? … Once you have made a request, service providers must get back to you with an answer in 30 days. In some cases, they can extend this time by up to an additional 90 days, but they must let you know in writing about this within 30 days …
What happens if I decide to make a complaint to the IPC? … Wherever possible, we resolve complaints through early resolution, mediation, or expedited processes. This is when the IPC helps you and your service provider come to an agreeable resolution. If a complaint cannot be solved this way, the …
What happens if I request a correction to my personal information and my service provider cannot or will not make the correction? … If your service provider cannot or will not correct your record, they must tell you why in writing. They also must let you add a written statement to your file that …
Can I ask a service provider to correct personal information in my file? … If you receive, or have received, a service under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA), then, yes, you have the right to request a correction of your personal information in a record you have been given access …
What kind of information can I not see or get copies of? … When asking for your personal information under the CYFSA, you cannot see or get copies of your adoption records. For more information about getting adoption records, contact your service provider, visit or call 1-800-461-2156. …
Can I ask my service provider to see my personal information? … If you receive, or have received, a service under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA), then, yes, you have the right to ask to see or receive a copy of your personal information in your file. This includes information …
Does my service provider have to tell me what they do with my personal information? … Yes. Your service provider must tell you what they do with your personal information. For example, they must make a written statement of their information practices available to you. This public statement must …
Can I ask my service provider not to collect, use, or disclose my personal information? … Yes. You or your substitute decision-maker have the right to refuse or limit the collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information. You may consent to share some of your personal information with …
What if I do not agree with my service provider’s decision about my capacity to make decisions about my own personal information? … If your service provider decides that you are not capable of making decisions about your personal information, and you disagree with them, you can challenge the …
How does my service provider decide whether I can make decisions about my personal information? … The law generally presumes that you are capable of making decisions about your personal information, unless your service provider has reasonable grounds to believe that you are not. Your service …
What if I do not agree with my substitute decision-maker? … Sometimes you might not agree with a decision made by your substitute decision-maker. If you are capable of making decisions about the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information, even under the age of 16, your decision to …
Who can make decisions about my personal information? … Where the CYFSA requires consent to collect, use, or disclose your personal information, you can generally make those decisions about your own personal information. The law presumes that you are capable of making such decisions at any age, …
What if a person requesting access to personal information intends to publish it? … The CYFSA prohibits people from publishing or making public information that identifies a child participant or witness in a child protection hearing, including information that would identify the child’s …
Can service providers put conditions on access to information? … When someone requests access to personal information, the service provider must determine if that individual has a right to access the information under Part X of Ontario’s child and family services law, the CYFSA . If they have the …
Do I have to be 18 before I can ask to see my personal information? … No, you can ask to see or receive a copy of your personal information or make corrections to your personal information at any age. You can make these requests yourself, unless your service provider decides you are not capable of …