Special Reports

Reviewing the Licensing Automation System of the Ministry of Natural Resources: A Special Investigation Report [PC12-39]

Report on concerns raised by an MPP about the privacy and security of personal information that is currently being stored in the U.S. as part of the Licensing Automation System (LAS) database of the Ministry of Natural Resources (the ministry).  Specifically, concerns were raised about the collection and storage of personal information as part of the LAS, in light of the U.S. PATRIOT Act.


The Ministry’s collection, use and disclosure of personal information for the purpose of administering the Ministry’s hunting and fishing licensing program is in compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

The ministry’s contract with Active Outdoors is comprehensive, and includes sufficient provisions to safeguard the privacy and security of personal information, and to restrict the use of this personal information by the Agent, in accordance with the FIPPA.



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