Right to Know Week 2021 Virtual Event

This year will mark the 16th year Canadians have celebrated Right to Know Week. From September 27 to October 3, Canadians can tune into a variety of virtual events to learn more about freedom of information and their right to access government information.
Right to Know Week Virtual Event
The first day of the Right to Know Week virtual conference — Tuesday, September 28, is free and open to the public. Be sure to register today!
Representatives from the IPC will contribute and share insights on the virtual panels and during the Right to Know Week virtual conference.
On Tuesday, September 28, from 2:30 to 3:20 p.m. (EST) Commissioner Patricia Kosseim along with Commissioner Denise Doiron of PEI and Commissioner Trisha Ralph of Nova Scotia will share their experiences of being a newly appointed commissioner during the COVID-19 pandemic.
During Right to Know Week, Canadians can join the conversation about access rights by following the #RTK2021 hashtag on Twitter.
Media Contact
For a quick response, kindly e-mail or phone us with details of your request such as media outlet, topic, and deadline:
Email: @email
Telephone: 416-326-3965
Social Media
The IPC maintains channels on LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), YouTube and Instagram in its efforts to communicate to Ontarians and others interested in privacy, access and related issues.