IPC co-led resolution on facial recognition is adopted by Global Privacy Assembly

Artificial intelligence  and facial recognition technology were front and centre at the 44th Global Privacy Assembly (GPA).

As part of the GPA’s International Enforcement Cooperation Working Group, the IPC co-led the development of a resolution on principles and expectations for the appropriate use of personal information in facial recognition technology.

The international membership adopted the resolution at this year’s assembly in Istanbul, Turkey, October 25-28, 2022.

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This resolution builds on a previous resolution on facial recognition technology co-sponsored by the IPC, which GPA members adopted in October 2020.

The Global Privacy Assembly is the premier global forum for data protection and privacy authorities from more than 130 countries, providing international leadership on data protection and privacy efforts.

Through its work with the international assembly, the IPC supports the development of harmonized, global approaches to data protection and privacy issues. Coordinated efforts on the world stage of data protection and privacy help inform and support the office’s work in Ontario.

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