Privacy in the Networked Classroom at BIT17

November 7, 2017, 7pm - 7pm
Scotiabank Convention Centre
Fallsview Theatre A
6815 Stanley Avenue
Niagara Falls, ON

Teachers, librarians, and educational tech staff: Bring your on-the-ground experience of online networking in classrooms and your knowledge of privacy issues to our Privacy in the Networked Classroom workshop on Wednesday, November 8, from 9am-4pm, as part of the Bring IT Together Annual Conference.

This interactive workshop will examine the uses and impacts of information technologies in the classroom. The accelerating pace of technological change is having a profound impact on privacy protection of children and youth. Canadian children with active digital footprints on the internet have become targets for commercial data gathering and marketing practices by many companies. Online targeting of youth is also reinforcing real-world discrimination and creating new forms of cyberbullying.

The speakers are renowned Canadian research scholars who will share new developments on the privacy challenges posed by networked classroom technologies and educational software. They will discuss new insights into education law and policy designed to protect Canadian students from cyberbullying.

Workshop goals are to engage the broadest range of Ontario education stakeholders in an interactive format, and to generate discussion of the privacy challenges posed. Feedback from workshop attendees will inform the development of a consultation document by the eQuality Project.

This workshop is jointly sponsored by:

Part of the Bring IT Together Conference.

Privacy in the Networked Classroom
Wednesday, November 8
9:00am – 4:00pm
Scotiabank Convention Centre
6815 Stanley Avenue
Niagara Falls, ON

For more information and to register, please visit:

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