Online Reputation: Open Call for Essays
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) has launched a dialogue on reputation and privacy. As a follow-up to their recent discussion paper, Online Reputation: What are they saying about me?, the office is inviting any interested parties to submit essays on the privacy issues related to online reputation. The purpose is to assemble a collection of potential solutions and bring clearer definition to the roles and responsibilities of the various players that could implement them. The goal is to enrich the public debate and ensure that the OPC is in a better position to inform Parliament of a variety of solutions for addressing issues related to online reputation and to develop a policy position on this issue. Full details and criteria are available on the OPC’s website. The submission deadline is April 28, 2016.
Media Contact
For a quick response, kindly e-mail or phone us with details of your request such as media outlet, topic, and deadline:
Email: @email
Telephone: 416-326-3965
Social Media
The IPC maintains channels on LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), YouTube and Instagram in its efforts to communicate to Ontarians and others interested in privacy, access and related issues.