The Ministry of the Solicitor General (the ministry) received a request under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act) for a police report relating to the suicide of an individual. The request was made by the sister of the deceased. The ministry decided to disclose parts of the police report to the requester for compassionate reasons, under section 21(4)(d) of the Act, but not the rest of the report. The requester did not appeal the ministry’s decision to withhold the rest of the report, but the widower of the deceased appealed the ministry’s decision to disclose any information about his late wife. In this order, the adjudicator upholds the ministry’s decision and dismisses the appeal.
Access to Information Orders
File Numbers
Marian Sami
Decision Type
Applicable Legislation
FIPPA - 2(1) personal information
FIPPA - 2(1) close relative
FIPPA - 21(1)
FIPPA - 21(3)(a)
FIPPA - 21(3)(b)
FIPPA - 21(4)(d)
FIPPA - 66(a)