
Access to Information Orders
File Numbers
Meganne Cameron
Decision Type
Applicable Legislation
FIPPA - 2(1) personal information
FIPPA - 13(1)
FIPPA - 17(1)
FIPPA - 21(1)
FIPPA - 23

An individual asked the ministry for information about eligibility criteria and appointments to Professional Engineers Ontario committees under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act). The ministry located records and provided some of them to the individual. The ministry said that it was withholding other information because the Act either permitted or required it to do so. The individual appealed and in this decision, the adjudicator upholds some parts of the ministry’s decision. She orders the ministry to withhold other people’s personal information and agrees with the ministry that some of the information is not responsive to the Act. However, she finds that other information is responsive to the request and orders the ministry to issue an access decision. She does not uphold the ministry’s decision to apply sections 13(1) or 17(1) of the Act and orders the ministry to disclose that information.