
Access to Information Orders
File Numbers
Jessica Kowalski
Decision Type
Applicable Legislation
FIPPA - 2(1) personal information
FIPPA - 21(1)
FIPPA - 21(4)(d)
FIPPA - 49(b)
FIPPA - 66(a)

A deceased woman’s mother asked the ministry for records relating to her daughter’s death. The ministry decided to grant partial access to the deceased’s personal information contained in Ontario Provincial Police records. The deceased woman’s surviving husband opposes disclosure to her mother of any information about her death. The adjudicator upholds the ministry’s decision that there are compassionate reasons to disclose some of the deceased’s personal information to her mother under section 21(4)(d) (compassionate reasons). She discusses how to consider competing positions of spouses and close relatives where compassionate reasons are established under section 21(4)(d).