
Access to Information Orders
File Numbers
Stella Ball
Decision Type
Applicable Legislation
FIPPA - 65(6)3
FIPPA - 65(7)

The appellant asked the ministry for access to specific records about the recommendation and decision to delist travel medicine services from the Ontario Health Insurance Plan in 1998.
The ministry responded by stating that it had disclosed the requested 1998 records in part in response to a prior access request that was the subject of an IPC appeal and order. The ministry maintained the same position that it took in the prior request, except that it decided to give the appellant access to some previously withheld cabinet records because they were now over 20 years old and could be disclosed under the exception in section 12(2) of the Act. However, the ministry denied access to one of these records claiming that the section 65(6) exclusion applies to it.
In this order, the adjudicator upholds the ministry’s decision that the one record at issue is excluded from the application of the Act because it relates to labour relations in which the ministry has an interest. She also finds she has no jurisdiction to address the remaining records, which were addressed in a prior IPC order.