This interim order arises from two issues raised by an affected party during an inquiry into an appeal of Cabinet Office’s decision to deny a request made under the Act. The request was for the call log of the personal cell phone number of an identified individual for a specific time period. Cabinet Office denied access to the records claiming they are not under its custody or control. The appellant appealed Cabinet Office’s decision. During the inquiry, the adjudicator notified an affected party and invited them to make submissions on the issues under appeal. In their representations and further correspondence, the affected party raised two additional issues: whether there is a reasonable apprehension of bias on the part of the adjudicator, and whether limitations should be placed on the appellant’s use of the affected party’s representations. In this interim order, the adjudicator finds there is no reasonable apprehension of bias and does not place restrictions on the appellant’s use of the affected party’s redacted representations.
Access to Information Orders
File Numbers
Justine Wai
Decision Type
Order - Interim
Applicable Legislation
FIPPA - 52(3)
FIPPA - 52(9)
FIPPA - 52(13)
FIPPA - 55
FIPPA - 58