
Access to Information Orders
File Numbers
Stella Ball
Decision Type
Applicable Legislation
MFIPPA - 2(1)
MFIPPA - 14(1)
MFIPPA - 14(2)(e)
MFIPPA - 14(2)(f)
MFIPPA - 14(2)(h)
MFIPPA - 14(2)(i)
MFIPPA - 14(3)(b)
MFIPPA - 14(3)(d)
MFIPPA - 14(3)(f)
MFIPPA - 38(a)
MFIPPA - 38(b)

The appellant wanted information about an investigation of a childcare centre overseen by the Algoma District Services Administration Board. The investigation followed allegations of financial misconduct at the Centre. Algoma granted the appellant access to two records and denied access to the rest because they contained personal information of other individuals. The appellant challenged Algoma’s access decision and asserted that additional responsive records exist.

In this order, the adjudicator largely upholds Algoma’s decision that most of the records should not be disclosed to the appellant because disclosure would be an unjustified invasion of the personal privacy of other individuals. However, she orders Algoma to disclose three records that do not contain personal information of other individuals and do not qualify for exemption from disclosure. She also finds that there is no reasonable basis to believe that additional responsive records exist, and she dismisses that claim.