Tag: Whats New

Showing 121 - 130 of 136 results

Commissioner’s Speech to the Standing Committee on Social Policy of the Legislative Assembly Re: Schedule 2 of Bill 88, Working for Workers Act, 2022, March 29, 2022

Commissioner Kosseim’s speech to the to the Standing Committee on Social Policy of the Legislative Assembly Re: Schedule 2 of Bill 88, Working for Workers Act, 2022.


- Published on Mar 29, 2022

Comments on Bill 88, the Working for Workers Act, 2022

This letter to Natalia Kusendova, Chair of the Standing Committee on Social Policy was intended to present the IPC’s views on Schedule 2 of Bill 88, the Working for Workers Act, 2022 on how amendments to Bill 88 can better support its policy objective of enhancing transparency and protecting workers


- Published on Mar 15, 2022

Letter to Dr. Catherine Zahn and Ms. Hillary Hartley regarding Proof of Vaccination Certificates in Ontario

This letter to Dr. Catherine Zahn, Deputy Minister of Health and Ms. Hillary Hartley, Chief Digital and Data Officer offered the IPC’s recommendations to help ensure ongoing protection of the privacy rights of Ontarians as the proof of vaccination certificate initiative continued in the province.


- Published on Mar 10, 2022

It’s a Gold Star for Privacy Day: Empowering a New Generation of Digital Citizens

Data protection authorities around the world recognize Data Privacy Day every January 28 as a way of raising public awareness about the importance of privacy and data protection rights. In case you missed it, this past Friday the IPC continued its tradition of hosting an annual Privacy Day event


- Published on Feb 3, 2022

IPC Privacy Day Webcast

Event - January 27, 2022, 7pm - 7pm
Watch the 2022 Privacy Day webcast, Empowering a New Generation of Digital Citizens, to learn how we can best champion the privacy and access rights of Ontario’s children and youth. Key issues discussed include privacy education and digital literacy, empowering children to think critically about

Ontario IPC concludes its review of Durham Region’s privacy breach

The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC) has concluded its review of a privacy breach that occurred almost a year ago in Durham Region. The breach was traced to the region’s use of Accellion File Transfer Appliance (FTA) software, a product that has been linked to...

News Release

- Published on Jan 18, 2022

Auld Lang “Send”: let’s end email blunders and resolve to do better in 2022

How many of us have accidentally pressed “send” on an email to the wrong person? It happened to me several years ago when my flight was cancelled and I sent a late-night email to my husband from the back of a very dark cab, letting him know I was on my way home from the airport. I signed, “Love you”


- Published on Jan 18, 2022

Goodbye 2021: Reflections on the year that was

Throughout the past year, we continued to be tested in our ability to develop and persevere in the face of change and uncertainty, inflicted by a brutal and unrelenting pandemic. Our 2021 annual report, due out next spring, will lay out all the facts and figures of the year — numbers of cases


- Published on Dec 22, 2021

Comments on the Toronto Police Services Board’s draft Use of New Artificial Intelligence Technologies Policy

The IPC shared its recommendations with Dr. Dubi Kanengisser, Senior Advisor, Strategic Analysis and Governance, Toronto Police Services Board on the Board’s draft Use of New Artificial Intelligence Technologies Policy. These recommendations were intended to strengthen the Policy and help the Board


- Published on Dec 20, 2021