Next-Generation Law Enforcement

Our goal is to contribute to building public trust in law enforcement by working with relevant partners to develop the necessary guardrails for the adoption of new technologies and community-based approaches that protect both public safety and Ontarians’ access and privacy rights.

Our work to further this goal includes:

Showing 2 of 22 results

Title Topics Type Date
Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy: Police Record Checks Reform Act Next-Generation Law Enforcement Advice and Submissions Read moreExpand

In a letter to Shafiq Qaadri, MPP and chair of the Standing Committee on Justice Policy, the Commissioner has expressed his support for Bill 113, the Police Record Checks Reform Act (the Act), which incorporates key privacy-protecting measures our office has recommended over the past decade. The Act will clarify rights and obligations related to police record checks for police services and members of the public.

The submission recommends three amendments that would ensure transparency with respect to police record check practices, ensure an open and informed review of the Act and ensure that the public has the opportunity to provide input into the development of key regulations.

Our office is committed to assisting with the development of a comprehensive police record check regime, including the forms, directives, regulations, guides and other materials required to ensure compliance with the Act. We look forward to participating in future discussions with the Legislature, the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, the policing community and the public on these and other related matters.

Guidance for the Use of Body-Worn Cameras by Law Enforcement Authorities Access, Privacy, Law Enforcement/Policing, Next-Generation Law Enforcement Papers, Best Practices, Professional Guidelines Read moreExpand

This guidance document aims to identify some of the privacy considerations law enforcement authorities should take into account when deciding whether to outfit law enforcement officers with body-worn cameras. Published by the federal Privacy Commissioner and privacy and personal information protection Ombudspersons and Commissioners in all provinces and territories, the document also describes the privacy framework that should be part of any law enforcement body-worn camera program in order to ensure compliance with Canada’s personal information protection statutes.

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