Guidance documents for organizations

The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner publishes guidance documents to promote compliance with Ontario’s access and privacy laws. New materials are posted on an ongoing basis. If you are looking for a guidance on a topic that is not listed here, please contact us.

Showing 15 of 223 results

Title Topic Type Date
Open Government: Key Concepts and Benefits Papers , Professional Guidelines Download Read moreExpand

This guidance paper is intended as a starting point for institutions considering Open Government and highlights two critical goals: enhancing access to government-held information and public participation.  It includes a discussion about making government-held information open by default and at little or no cost, and ways to enable a true two-way dialogue with the public.

De-identification Guidelines for Structured Data Best Practices Download Read moreExpand

This document highlights the key issues to consider when de-identifying personal information in the form of structured data and it provides a step-by-step process that institutions can follow when removing personal information from data sets.

Instant Messaging and Personal Email Accounts: Meeting Your Access and Privacy Obligations Papers Download Read moreExpand

This document was developed to help Ontario’s public institutions manage the use of instant messaging and personal email accounts when doing business. All public servants should be aware records relating to an institution’s business that are created, sent or received through instant messaging or personal email accounts are subject to Ontario’s access and privacy laws. The IPC recommends that all institutional leaders strictly control the use of these tools when doing business. If it is necessary to use these tools, institutions should implement appropriate policy and technical measures to...

The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and Councillors’ records Fact Sheets Download Read moreExpand

Our office is sometimes required to decide access to information appeals relating to requests for records held by municipal councillors. Unfortunately, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) does not expressly refer to records of municipal councillors.

This fact sheet explains when and how councillors’ records are subject to MFIPPA.

Thinking About Clouds? Privacy, security and compliance considerations for Ontario public sector institutions Professional Guidelines Download Read moreExpand

The IPC has prepared this new guidance document, Thinking About Clouds? Privacy, security and compliance considerations for Ontario public sector institutions, to help institutions evaluate whether cloud computing services are suitable for their information management needs. In particular, it seeks to raise awareness of the risks associated with using cloud computing services and outlines some strategies to mitigate those risks.

Recommended mitigation strategies include appropriate project planning, co-ordination, and documentation, undertaking risk analyses, applying data minimization...

Yes, You Can. Dispelling the Myths About Sharing Information with Children’s Aid Societies Best Practices , Professional Guidelines Download Read moreExpand

Common misunderstandings about privacy are frequently cited as reasons for not sharing information with a children’s aid society (CAS) about a child who may be at risk. In fact, Ontario law permits professionals working with children to share this information. To help professionals understand that privacy is not a barrier to disclosing this important information, the IPC and the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth created this guide.

Health providers, police, teachers, social service workers and other professionals sometimes cite privacy as the reason for refusing to disclose...

FIPPA and MFIPPA: Bill 8 — The Recordkeeping Amendments Papers , Best Practices Download Read moreExpand

Bill 8, the Public Sector and MPP Accountability and Transparency Act, 2014, will come into effect on January 1, 2016.

This Bill amends the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) to include requirements for institutions to ensure the preservation of records. As a result of the amendments, heads of institutions will be required to take “reasonable measures” to preserve records in their custody or control. The amendments apply to all stages of the information life cycle and make it an offence...

MFIPPA Workbook and Completion Guide Download Read moreExpand

This workbook and guide is designed to provide step-by-step instructions for the completion of the Information and Privacy Commissioner’s (IPC) Year-End Statistical Report as required by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).

FIPPA Workbook and Completion Guide Download Read moreExpand

This workbook and guide is designed to provide step-by-step instructions for the completion of the Information and Privacy Commissioner’s (IPC) Year-End Statistical Report as required by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

Guidelines for the Use of Video Surveillance Best Practices , Professional Guidelines Download Read moreExpand


Many institutions turn to video surveillance to help them fulfil their obligations to protect the safety of individuals and the security of their equipment and property. Video footage captured by cameras is regularly used to assist in the investigation of wrongdoing. However, the use of these surveillance technologies can put individuals’ privacy at risk. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider both whether it is appropriate to install video surveillance and how it is used.

This publication brings together our previous guidance on video surveillance and responds to new issues and...

Open Contracting: Proactive Disclosure of Procurement Records Papers , Professional Guidelines Download Read moreExpand


Proactive disclosure of procurement records strengthens clarity and accountability around government spending. It can also provide tangible benefits to institutions by reducing the number of procurement-related freedom of information requests, appeals and associated costs.

This resource details the benefits of proactive disclosure and offers tips on designing and implementing a transparent procurement process, while still protecting confidentiality where appropriate.

Circle of Care: Sharing Personal Health Information for Health-Care Purposes Professional Guidelines Download Read moreExpand

This document was thoroughly reviewed and updated in August, 2015, introducing clear and easy to understand gender-neutral language.

Updated: August 2015
Planning for Success PIA Worksheets Download Read moreExpand
Best Practices for Protecting Individual Privacy in Conducting Survey Research Papers , Best Practices , Professional Guidelines Download Read moreExpand


As governments and public sector organizations strive to become more efficient, accountable and customer focused, they frequently seek input from the public about their programs and services. One of the most cost-effective ways to accomplish this is through surveys.

While surveys can be an important tool for shaping government programs and services, they may involve the collection, retention, use, disclosure and disposal of personal information. It is important that they comply with provincial and municipal access and privacy legislation.

To help organizations meet their obligations, this...

Dispelling the Myths Under the Personal Health Information Protection Act Papers , Best Practices , Professional Guidelines Download Read moreExpand

There are many myths surrounding how information may be collected, used and disclosed under the Personal Health Information Protection Act. Working with our partners in the health care community, we have created this one-page document to dispel some of the more common myths.

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