
Access to Information Orders
File Numbers
Jennifer James
Decision Type
Applicable Legislation
MFIPPA - 2(1) personal information
MFIPPA - 14(3)(b)
MFIPPA - 17(1)
MFIPPA - 17(2)
MFIPPA - 38(b)

An individual made a request to the township for emails exchanged between himself, other individuals and the township’s Chief Building Official regarding a renovation project. The township located two emails which it disclosed, in part, to the appellant. The township claimed that disclosure of the withheld information would be an unjustified invasion of another individual’s personal privacy under section 38(b). The individual appealed the township’s access decision to the IPC seeking access to the withheld information. The individual also took the position that additional records responsive to his request should exist.

The adjudicator upholds the township’s decision to withhold personal information under section 38(b). She dismisses the appellant’s claim that the township should have located additional records on the basis that the records the appellant says should exist do not reasonably relate to the request.