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IPC joins international regulators in support of resolutions on artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace and generative AI

The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC) joined data protection and privacy authorities from around the world at the 45th Global Privacy Assembly (GPA) to raise awareness of the need for core data protection and privacy principles to govern the development, operation, and deployment of existing and emergent AI systems.

The IPC co-sponsored a resolution on the use of AI in the workplace as well as a resolution on generative AI technologies. Both resolutions were adopted by the international membership at the assembly, which took place from October 15 to 20 in Bermuda.

AI technologies make it possible to process tremendous amounts of personal data from current or potential employees. In the case of generative AI, algorithms can be used to create entirely new content. These technologies raise serious ethical and privacy concerns, while also offering beneficial uses in certain situations

“Artificial intelligence technologies, and generative AI in particular, have the potential to generate damaging content that can sustain unfair biases and put privacy and other fundamental human rights at risk,” said Patricia Kosseim, Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario. “Strong legal and ethical safeguards are needed to ensure that AI technologies are used in an accountable, transparent, and ethically responsible manner that fosters public trust.”

The Global Privacy Assembly (GPA) is a global forum for data protection and privacy authorities from more than 130 countries, providing international leadership on data protection and privacy efforts.

As an active member of GPA, the IPC supports the development of comprehensive and harmonized approaches to global technology and privacy issues. These international efforts inform and support the IPC’s work in Ontario.

Read the resolutions:

Resolution on artificial intelligence and employment (IPC co-sponsored)

Resolution on generative artificial intelligence systems (IPC co-sponsored)


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