The IPC Transparency Challenge

transparency challenge

Take up the IPC's Transparency Challenge!

Once again, we're calling on Ontario's public institutions to show us their innovative open data projects or initiatives.

Show and tell us how your transparency project or program is modern and innovative, improves government transparency in a creative way, and has a concrete and positive impact for Ontarians.

Your submission could be featured in the IPC’s Transparency Showcase, an online 3D gallery of impactful transparency projects from public sector organizations.

This year, we’ve made the Transparency Challenge more interesting by adding a new element. Institutions can also submit projects that demonstrate the unique ways they are transparent about how they collect, use, and disclose personal data.

The deadline for submissions is May 31, 2024. Submit your projects today!

Transparency Challenge Submission Form

Transparency Challenge FAQs

Why did the IPC launch the Transparency Challenge?

We launched the Transparency Challenge to encourage greater openness and transparency by showcasing some great examples from Ontario’s public institutions. We also want to increase public awareness and understanding of the positive impacts open data and open government initiatives can have in concretely improving the day-to-day lives of Ontarians. This is one of several IPC initiatives to advance Ontarians’ access rights and inspiring greater transparency among public institutions.

What are the criteria for the Transparency Challenge?

Show us how your transparency project or program:

  • Is modern, creative and effective
  • Is inclusive and promotes civic engagement
  • Illustrates the concrete and positive impacts of open data for Ontarians
  • Promotes responsible and ethical use of public and personal data for the common good
  • Is replicable, scalable and could be applicable for other institutions
  • Demonstrates tangible, measurable outcomes for transparent personal data practices (new for 2024)

We encourage submissions in both English and French.

What's new about this year's Transparency Challenge?

In addition to open data and open government initiatives, this year we’re also inviting submissions that demonstrate unique ways public institutions are being transparent about how they collect, use or disclose personal data. We welcome great examples of how your institution is being transparent about what it does with Ontarians’ personal data and explains it in a simple, accessible and creative way.

Does the Transparency Challenge have winners?

The aim of the Transparency Challenge is not to choose winners, or to judge or endorse submissions in any way. Rather, our aim is to create a gallery of projects and programs that we will feature in our Transparency Showcase to show some of the great work that’s being done to increase transparency and to inspire other institutions to do the same. New exhibits will appear in the fall of 2024.

What kind of materials should we include in our submission?

We encourage you to visit last year’s Transparency Showcase where you can see some great examples of outstanding projects.

Be innovative with the short videos, infographics, or other visual materials you include in your submission to tell your story. Get creative and have fun with it!

We encourage submissions in both English and French.

More questions?

Email us at @email.


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